Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Business goals and targets

When TJ asked me to write a piece for her blog Support4women, re goals and targets, I’d just posted on Facebook about an amazingly productive day I had just had:

‘colourwheel creative woo hoo!!! Just call me Anneka Rice ( without the dodgy jumpsuit and helicopter!) I have completed all the work scheduled in for today with 45 mins to spare before the school run!! STOP THE CLOCK!!! – 2 web ads, 1 newsletter ad, 1 flyer amend, 1 logo amend and a flyer design from scratch! come on!!!!’
I’m Michelle and I run colourwheel creative – a graphic design business from home. I have a daughter who is almost 5 and so working from home seemed a good option – I can be a mummy AND I can be me – a graphic designer – a status to which I had studied many years to get to and with 15 years experience in the design industry… didn’t really want to give up!

My days are like most working mums I suppose; running around like a crazy woman in the morning trying to get food down my child, make her look respectable and delliver to school on time! I then have until 3.15 until the school run. So in between 9.15 and 3.15 I need to get as much done as possible…. And to be honest, most days I achieve it… but how?

Her are my tips on hitting your daily business goals and targets:
Imagine your allotted time as a wall planner (like a study plan). Ascertain how long each job will take and when you can realistically start and finish it – and pencil it in. Always allow a little more time than you think it will take in case of enquiries coming in, the phone ringing etc…
The key word here is ‘realistic’… there are only so many hours in the day – you do not have the ability like Superman to turn back or slow down time, so BE REALISTIC. If you commit to too many projects or appointments, you will only put yourself under more pressure and sometimes let your client down – the last thing you want to do.
If your planner is looking busy – cut yourself a bit of slack… something along the lines of “I aim to get your project to you by end of play Weds – if not, Thursday morning”. This way if you get the job there on Thursday morning, you have still hit your deadline – if it’s Weds afternoon you have hit your deadline AND you look good in the eyes of your client.

And be honest with your client… don’t promise the moon on a stick if you can’t deliver it! If you can’t fit a job in that day or that week then explain when you can start it and when you plan to deliver it.

When your projects are in the planner the most important thing now is to STAY FOCUSSED…. there are so many distractions out there.. (and I’m as much as a culprit to this one as everybody else!). If you have a urgent project to complete … turn off your social networking pages, allot yourself a lunch hour – and stick to it… watching Loose Women won’t pay your bills or make your clients happy.

Realise what is urgent and what isn’t. If you need to count out flyers to send out to a exhibition company for an event which is a few months away, then don’t do it during the day when you have lots of work in.. these types of jobs can be done in the evening when the children are asleep, you’re watching the TV with the other half and having a glass of wine.

Finally, note when you are most productive. I seem to get the most done in the morning, I’m more focussed and more alert. With this in mind I look at the jobs ahead of me for that day and get lots of the smaller ones out of the way first. This gives me a sense of achievement that I am getting through my jobs, my ‘to-do’ list is shorter and it then leaves me time in the afternoon focus on a larger project.

The above seems to work for my graphic design business and me, and I hope some of my tips can help you have a more productive and manageable week! Good luck!

Michelle Wright
Colourwheel creative – graphic design for your business and family
fb: www.facebook.com/colourwheel

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

My very own start up story.....

Created June 2010..

To set up my own card & graphic design business was always something on my ‘to do list’, but so were many other things. I was constantly looking at the cost of personalised invitations and cards, and thinking “I can do that” – and for a lot less than the sites I had researched; and as a qualified graphic designer I was producing leaflets and flyers on day-to-day-basis for business, and knew the industry inside out… why wasn’t I doing this for myself?

Suddenly I turned a corner in my life, when my daughter was at school and I probably needed her more than she needed me, and was left with time on my hands… In a whirlwind of about 2 months I had enquired to Citizens Advice about the best way of setting up a business and they put me in touch with Salford Hundred venture. After an introductory session, a one-to-one and the Aspire course, colourwheel creative – my very own graphic design business venture was born!

Aspire not only gave me the information on all areas of business that I needed, but gave me the support and confidence to believe that actually, yes, I can do this! I came joint second in the Aspire competition which gave me the finance to create a website which is a key tool to my business; along with the printing of some support literature.

I am sure colourwheel creative would have been born ‘one day’ but it would have taken me a lot longer to get there. With the support of Salford Hundred Venture, and the money from Aspire, colourwheel creative has been launched…and although that’s been ticked off my to do list, about thirty more things have been added to it!!

Michelle Wright
colourwheel creative

A new year, a new blog!

Welcome to the first of colourwheel creative's blogs!! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are raring to go in 2011!

To create a blog was one of the many things on my 'to-do list' for 2011 - and here I am, first day back working and I can tick this one off my list!

So, what will you find on my blog? I plan to include lots of stories about the projects I am working on and the businesses and individuals I am working with.. (sort of a perk for placing work with colourwheel)!
I hope to also include the odd news snippets in the design and marketing worlds too....

So, watch this space - here's to the first of many blogs for colourwheel creative!! x